BINGO is held in our Parish Hall every Wednesday from 2.00 pm to 4.00pm. For more information please call the Parish Office. All proceeds go to our Parish Building Fund. On March 17, 2024 we will have our 2nd annual Birthday Bash at 3.00 pm call the office for more details.
CSA has started!! We have begun our Annual Catholic Stewardship Appeal. Our goal this year is $47,756.00. Pledge cards have been distributed, however if you need one please contact the Parish Office. Right now we have pledged $10,105.00! Thank you for your generosity! You may print out pledge form found on our webpage or bulletin and send directly to the Archdiocese address, or drop it off at the Parish Office. Thank you for your annual support!
Youth Group covers many topics, and shares their love with Christ. All faith formation teens are welcome. For more information please contact the Faith Formation director. Please keep our Parish Teens in your prayers, as they journey through these uncertain times, may they always know that they can always turn to God, and to our Parish for guidance and comprehension.
Parents and students remember you are to sign in before mass. If you are out of town remember to bring a copy of the church bulletin where you attended and turn it in when you return.