Bible Study meets on Thursdays at 1.00 pm in the Parish Tower Room. Come join us, we go over weekly readings and share our views. If you have any questions about our Bible Study please call the Parish Office.
Spanish Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 9.00 am in the Family Chapel. All are welcome!
The Daughters of Mary, meet on the 1st Saturday of the Month after the Daughters of Mary Mass.
Daughters of Mary Bunco Social will be held in October, we will be taking the Summer off. Please see the bulletin for date and time of our next meeting.
Thank you to all the ladies that participated in the Stations of the Cross.
If you need more information, please call the Parish Office.
Misa, Santísimo, y Rosario.
Todos los jueves comenzando a las 6.00 pm.
Estudio Bíblico
Todos están invitados a nuestro nuevo grupo de estudio bíblico, que se reúne todos los martes en la capilla familiar de la iglesia. Todos son bienvenidos a acompañarnos y aprender mas sobre la Santa Biblia. Anímate y acompáñanos los martes a las 10.00 am.
Ministerio de Limpieza
Todos son bienvenidos a servir en el ministerio de limpieza, que limpia la iglesia dos veces al mes. Si esta interesdo (a) llame a la oficina parroquia.
CATECISMO- YA COMENZÓ NUESTRO PROGRAMA DE CATECISMO para este 2024-205, favor de traer a sus hijos al horario designado para las clases.
Para mas informacion hablar con la directora de catecismo, Maria Gonzales al 775.727.4044.
Council # 10780 Council Business Meeting and Assembly Business Meeting in-person at the Parish Hall. We are holding the monthly Council Business Meeting on the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 PM, and are inviting every Council member to join us. Additionally, we are holding a monthly Assembly Business Meeting on the third Wednesday at 6:30 PM every month.
Thank you to everyone that came out and supported our last Fish Fry.
Practice has resumed, and is held on Thursdays at 4.30 pm in the Church.
Do you love to sing? Do you find yourself singing along to the radio? Do you belt it out when you’re in church? If you answered “YES” to any of these questions, we’d like to invite you to join the OLV choir. We sing at the Saturday Mass and the Sunday 9:00 Mass, but you need only do one (unless you want to attend Mass twice each weekend and SING!). We rehearse Thursdays at 4.30 pm in the church. If you’re going to sing with the choir, you’ll need to attend rehearsals every week (even if you’re the grandson of Frank Sinatra…). You don’t need to be an opera singer to join us! We accept singers at all levels and will help you improve your voice as well.
Interested? Aw, come on… it’s a blast and you are very welcome to join in. All are welcome! Join us!
NEXT MEETING November 06, 2024 @ 9.15 am, in the Parish Tower Room
Meets on the First Wednesday of the Month at 9.00 am in the Parish Tower Room. Rosary Makers are now meeting again. For more information please contact the Parish Office. If you are in need of rosaries please call the Parish Office. Last month the Rosary Makers sent over 1,000 rosaries to Afrca, to help minister to over 27,000 parishioners with Fr.Ayanti who will be using them to teach the young children how to pray the rosary. If anyone would like to donate to help off set the cost of materials to make rosaries, please call 775.727.4044.
Please keep Joan Johnson and Dorothy Johnson in your prayers our founders who both passed away last year.
Please check out the Parish Bulletin for our next meeting.
Every Thursday.
Spanish Holy Hour @ 5.00pm. Spanish Mass @ 6.00 pm.
All are welcome, for more information contact the Parish Office.
Spanish Bible Study meets on Tuesdays at 9.00 am in the Parish Chapel.
The Parish Youth Group attended the Anaheim Religous Education Congress Youth Day on Febraury 23, 2023. They went with St. Francis of Assisi Youth group. We had 11 students attend and three chaperones. They had a great time and were blessed to able to experience the Congress for the first time.